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Maya F.

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Steven N.

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Impact Zero

Digital Opportunity Trust

Amy S. 

Entrepreneur. RMT. Amateur athlete.

Amy's business had been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only did she shut down her practice during a strict country-wide lockdown–also putting two employees out of work–but protocols for getting back up and running were also arduous.

In her work with Level 7 Leadership, not only did she navigate a difficult transitionary period through a global pandemic, she managed to move out of a toxic work environment, set up shop in a new location, and build a thriving business to boot.

Our work focused on:

  • Navigating difficult conversations
  • Integrity & Accountability
  • Managing mindset


In Amy's words...

"It felt great [working with Jonathan] because I could always feel the shift. Even if I thought that nothing was changing, I can look back now and see everything was changing."


Are you interested in this type of personal and professional transformation? Get in touch!